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E.V.E. Inventory Section

The annual inventory process, Electronic Verification of Equipment (E.V.E.), will be conducted by Property Management Field Specialists from Materials Management and Logistics using RFID digital equipment. This is beneficial to departments as their involvement will be minimal. Account Managers will still receive and need to approve inventory listings created from the Virtual Asset Tracking (VAT) database after the E.V.E. inventory process has been completed. They will still be responsible for locating and submitting documentation on any missing, damaged, or stolen equipment that E.V.E. staff could not verify.

Equipment Transfers

UPPS 05.01.01 indicates:

  • If a department has an item assigned to its account that it is transferred to another department, an "Equipment Transfer Form" should be sent to Property Management, listing the inventory number, item description and the department's name receiving the item, so proper transfers of the item can be made on the inventory records. If this is not done, the original department head/account manager will be held accountable for the equipment until this is done.

When a capitalized or controlled asset is moved between

  • accounts, or
  • departments, or
  • sent to surplus,

Then, a Texas State Equipment Transfer form must be completed.


Frequently Asked Questions


Missing Inventory Tags

What should I do if I have an item that needs to have an inventory tag?

Contact Property Management by phone at 5-2709 or E-mail us at with the building, room number, and a contact name and phone number. One of our field specialists will come and tag it after we receive this information.

Missing Equipment

What do I do if I can't find a piece of equipment that is listed on my departmental inventory?

If you have diligently looked for the item without success, then a Form C - Missing or Damaged Property Notification MUST be filled, signed, and submitted by the Department Head or Designee. However, if the asset is suspected to have been stolen, then University Police Department MUST be contacted to report suspected or actual losses or theft and a Form D - Stolen Property Notification Report form MUST be completed with the Department Heads signature for each item in accordance with UPPS 05.01.01 section 04.02. All completed and signed forms should be forwarded Property Management as soon as possible.

Transfer Equipment

What do I do if I transferred in a piece of equipment, but it still appears on my inventory?

Send a copy of the Equipment Transfer Form to Property Management, so the records can be researched and updated.

New To The Inventory Process

This is my first inventory cycle and my predecessor didn't leave me any information. What do I need to do?

Take a deep breath and then head over to the Instructions for Completion of Inventory. If you still need assistance, contact Property Management at 5-2709.

Off-site Inventory Log

Wait! I'm suppose to keep an inventory log?

For all assets that kept off-campus; i.e., off-site, it is university policy that these assets are to be kept on an inventory log along with the name of the person in possession of the items. The inventory log needs to be up-to-date and signed by the Department Head. The easiest way to generate this log is to use the inventory lists sent to you by Property Management and add a column for the names of your personnel. More about this policy can be found here.

Asset Criteria

Why is this piece of equipment an asset, but this other more expensive piece is not?

There are basically two main types of assets that your department will have, controlled assets and capital assets. The differences are categorized by various qualifications found here.

Look Up Help

Can you look up an inventory number for me?

Sure! Or, to make it easier for you, if you have access to the SAP GUI, transaction "AS03" can be used to look up inventory numbers. If you do not have access to AS03, or cannot access the information, contact Property Management for assistance.

No Contact

I haven't received any follow-up email?

Check your inbox. Property Management sends a Remaining Inventory email after each visit (where applicable). These emails should not be disregarded as this is the main form of communication for inventory purposes. Once Property Management sends out this communication and/or follow-up emails, it is imperative that the department responds timely to ensure their inventory is completed on time.

Grant Equipment

What if equipment was purchased with grant funds and the grant was closed?

The equipment should be transferred to the departmental account. Use the Equipment Transfer Form.